Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I Say My Car Needs Some DnD Body Shop Care

As I am new in California, I have always thought that everything is high maintenance – from people going to the gym and dermatologist to keep fit and keep a flawless complexion to beauty salons and pampering establishments for pets! As someone from a small town in the Midwest, everything was a shock to me! This lifestyle where everything was sleek and shiny, from the people to the buildings, was something I thought had to apply to myself. Well, we have to keep up with locals, right?

So, when I drove my car to my new job, my new officemates told me they know of this body shop I should have in my speed dial in case my car needs to have some work done to it. I looked at them like I didn’t understand a word they were talking about. I understand that all vehicle owners in this state, just like in almost all states, are required to have car insurance, and in line with that, a mechanic shop to fix your car in case a collision happens. Isn’t the shop attached to the insurance policy enough? Shouldn’t it suffice? Can’t I just have my insurance company take care of my car if it gets bumped or scratched?

Apparently not, at least according to my new Californian friends. By that time, I had a sneaking suspicion that this recommendation of a separate collision repair center aside from the one provided by my insurance company is just one of those things these Californians are used to because they need to keep a luxurious and trendy image. So, against what I thought was my better judgment, they led me to visit this repair shop called DnD Body Shop in North Amplett Blvd. So, what does this facility have that other shops do not have?

First up, there is the facility. The huge area for repair had me impressed! I was told that this space in Lincoln Avenue was just the actual ‘production’ area, while they also have a separate office facility in Irwin Street. It was just a wide expanse of a lot of cars in various models, being worked on by what looks like very professional technicians. I guess I’m not in Kansas anymore! This was not some hole in the wall establishment with greasy floors and tools and tires just thrown everywhere. Everything was clean and orderly, it was amazing to watch. But at the same time, it was assuring for any customer to know that your car will be fixed in this very organized facility.

Upon interviewing the people who were there, I realized that the professionals who were working on the cars were not just professional; they are also well-trained and can be considered experts in their field. All technicians in  DnD Body Shop are I-CAR Gold certified, meaning they are constantly educated and up-to-date with the latest methods and procedures in repairing cars, no matter what model, make, or year. They practically know anything by fact, and not just by feel.

So, as easy as that, I got convinced that DnD Body Shop will be my go-to place for collision repair. My car does need top-notch expertise, and I’m convinced DnD Body Shop will provide it, not just because my Californian friends tell me so.

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