Sunday, September 23, 2012

Game On in Getting the Best Car Restoration Services

If you’re a gamer like me, you certainly know the feeling of finally reaching the last boss, only to find out that you unknowingly brought a machine gun to a rocket launcher fight (or variants thereof). Sometimes, it’s in not having saved enough one-ups to allow you multiple respawns just to defeat the boss. And sometimes, it’s just plain not knowing what to expect because you didn’t bother to pick up and read clues along the way.

As the adage goes, prevention is always better than cure. A cliché, maybe, but a damn good one; and as demonstrated above, one which doesn’t always necessarily apply only to medical issues.

Video gaming examples aside, another popular application of the saying is in getting insurances for all the nifty (and expensive) things that people buy. If it’s a mansion, get home insurance. If it’s a new car, go to a collision repair center or some such and enlist their services in case your vehicle gets damaged. And yes, if you’re a celebrity and your status hinges on some particular body part (Kim Kardashian’s derriere, for example), go right ahead and insure that. No one’s going to stop you (and your millions) from doing all that kooky celebrity stuff.

But we’re digressing now.

Getting back to the point: It pays to have a sense of foresight on these things. In my case (and don’t worry, I won’t be going back to the video game analogy again), I recently enlisted the services of a collision repair facility highly recommended by a friend. I must say, I feel pretty confident (and safe) about getting their services.

Having trouble finding out which places to go to for quality car repair and restoration? Just follow the tips below:

·Ask around for good recommendations. Ask around a lot.
This is probably the best place to start. After all, nothing says quality service like oodles of satisfied customers.

You’ll have to work at this, though. Asking a few people is okay enough, but there is always the danger that they are merely driven by brand loyalty and/or advertising perks. The more people you ask, the less chances there would be of the above counter intuitive factors.

Also, make sure to localize your queries as much as possible. What good would it do to travel all the way to another state just because there’s a place there that everyone’s talking about?

·Do a full inspection of a company’s facility and services.

Don’t rely too much on what has been written and spoken. The best way to really measure an vehicle repair shop’s worth is to see things for yourself. You wouldn’t want to gamble your Ferrari on just any body shop now, would you? I thought so.

Request for a tour of their place. Inspect how they conduct business, how they treat customers, and whatnot. Bottom line: Despite other people’s glowing reviews, if you feel in your gut that an auto repair shop just isn’t right for you, go with your instincts.

·Read the fine print.

You know all those warning bells that popular movies and such send out regarding the importance of reading the fine print? Well, it would do you well to heed them. You shouldn’t be made to jump through loops only to find those same loops having holes. You should instead be able to work your way around the companies’ provisions et. al. and make them jump for you.

Easier said than done, of course; but a necessary precaution nonetheless. In any case, you shouldn't have to rush things. Remember what I said about gut feelings? Yeah, that applies here, too. Demand a full disclosure of the services you will get from the repair center and how much all services will cost.

Don’t worry, though. Tried and tested companies do exist; one of which is the collision repair center I mentioned earlier, D&D Body Shop right here in San Mateo, CA. I did all the things I mentioned above, and I was thoroughly impressed. Service is quick and efficient, and all its technicians are certified by I-CAR, an internationally recognized organization. I was quite awed by the variety of cars they repaired, from BMWs and Audis to Fords and Toyotas, they do the whole range!

But don’t just take my word for it. Go the facility yourself, and don’t forget to get into the nitty gritty. With D&D Body Shop, it’s all in the fine print and the small details, and the finished product is just way awesome.

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